English allows me to grow personally, and professionally.
Meet Thomas, a professional in the film industry, who has spent 3 months at BELS Malta.
My name is Thomas, I am French, and I live in the beautiful city of Paris. I work in the film industry and I’m greatly inspired by unique places. Meeting people from around the world is a passion of mine and my time at BELS connected me to different cultures in a way I never thought possible. My adventures here in Malta have been unforgettable and I know this will be a place I return to often. Travel, connection, and communication are very important to me, and that is why I will definitely return to BELS. There is still a lot for me to learn and experience.
Growing professionally and personally
I decided to improve my English for professional and personal reasons. For the context of my work, I am always meeting and working with people who come from all over the world. The film industry is an international one, and English is the how people communicate and collaborate. So for me, learning English was an opportunity to grow professionally and communicate with as many people as possible. Also, from a personal point of view, learning English contributes to my personal enrichment; by learning English, I have the change to evolve among English speakers and can discover other cultures more easily.
Finding my place at an ESL school
There were many important criteria that I took into account when picking a location and a school. I decided to learn English in Malta because, besides being recommended by a friend who has lived in Malta for years, it checked all my boxes. The environment is excellent and it is close enough to France in case I have to return in a hurry. It is part of the EU with a common currency and rules. I really liked how exotic and unique Malta is; there is such a mixture of stories and communities that has created a patchwork of different people and cultures that can be explored. So once I decided on Malta, I began to ask around at different English schools. After a long study of the different options, my choice naturally fell on BELS; they have an excellent reputation among former students and when I compared prices for schools, BELS offers a lot more for a greater value.
My journey in the classroom
My first days at the school will be memories I don’t forget any time soon. I got to meet my classmates and the teaching team, who answered all our questions. Classes started immediately, and it was very motivating. It helped me get into the mindset of learning. The school at BELS is a very pleasant environment. I had wonderful teachers who are all really passionate about what they do, and are very involved in the progress of each students. The pedagogical team is attentive to the students, and levels are easy to change if necessary. I found that I made progress quickly with the help of my teachers and the motivation of my classmates.
The Expat community
I didn’t expect to make friends by coming to BELS for just two months, but now I wish I came early and for a longer time! I found it very each to meet people and to connect with other students in my class. After a week, I was already invited to go out and explore the island with my classmates. All the students are ex-patriates, so everyone had a desire to help and share with each other. It was extremely motivating for me both inside and outside of the classroom to meet people from all over the world. There were more than 10 different nationalities present in my class and it was really cool to be part of the expat student community.
What I’m taking back home with me
I learned a lot about English and myself during this experience abroad. I learned to be more confident in myself when I speak in English. I was able to meet new people, boost my professional career and had the chance to be part of the larger community, which really inspired me both in and out of the classroom. When I return to BELS for further studies, I will be sure to stay longer than three months.
Final thoughts about BELS
I would describe BELS as having a professional attitude, with teachers and administrators who are always listening to the needs of their students. My time at BELS was full of great memories, and I can’t wait to come back again.