5 Fun Activities for Adults to Learn English
Many people believe that it’s impossible for adults to learn English. However, at BELS, we specialise in adult English courses, and we firmly believe that with proper guidance and effective methods, learning English as an adult is definitely achievable. In this blog we’ll share 5 fun activities for adults to learn English.

Effective and Fun Activities for Adults to Learn English
Learning English as an adult may not be as difficult as you believe. Several studies have found that adults possess some advantages in language learning. Their maturity and life experience provide them with many essential approaches and capabilities that children don’t have.
The first step is to realise that learning a new language is possible regardless of age. The sooner you believe it’s achievable, the more progress you’ll make.
Secondly, make learning a fun and memorable experience by introducing some pleasurable tension and light competition. The best way to do this is by trying fun activities aimed at adults as part of your English learning.
For instance, merely reading and copying vocabulary from the blackboard becomes dull relatively quickly when it comes to learning vocabulary. It can be helpful to play some games, providing you with greater variety in vocabulary learning and in English learning in general. Playing games is enjoyable, especially with good friends, and help you improve your English skills. Today, we would like to introduce you to some fun English activities that you can play with your friends.
Here are 5 Fun Activities for Adults to Learn English
1. Werewolf
Werewolves and villagers live in a fictional village. The majority of villagers fear the werewolves that might come at night and kill them. The game is divided into two phases: During the night, all players sleep and close their eyes. The wolves wake up and choose a victim by pointing their fingers at who should be dead the next morning. A few villagers have special roles: a seer, for example, or a blinking girl who also wakes up at night and can spy a little for the village. The second phase is the next morning when all players can wake up and discuss who might be a werewolf. One person is chosen to leave the game. If, at some point, all werewolves are dead, the village wins. But if, at some point, no villagers are left alive, the werewolves win.
The discussion about the possible werewolves and an exciting story around the events make the game lively and perfect for adults to learn English.
2. Two truths and a lie
You can play this game with as many people as you like. Take a piece of paper and a pen. Each person should write down three facts about themselves – two truths and a lie. Now you present your facts to the group, and the group has to guess which fact is a lie. Extra questions may also be asked to see how well the person can lie. So be clever with your lie. The winner is the person who has sold the most lies to the group.
This game is a good way to practise question-answer dialogues and improve your vocabulary.
3. Scattergories
As a child, you often played Scattergories. Believe it or not, this game is even more fun in adulthood because by now you have a much broader knowledge and can make the categories for this game exciting and complex. So take a pen and a piece of paper, create a table, fill it with categories and off you go. City, country, river, film, famous person or car brand – anything goes. Start with a letter, and each person will now look for the matching terms for the individual categories. After someone has finished, they call ‘Stop’, and 10 points are awarded for each correct answer. If the same answer appears more than once, only five points are awarded. The winner is the person with the most points at the end.
This game improves your vocabulary in different areas of daily life and is a lot of fun.
4. Scrabble
Maybe you already know this game and play it with words from your language in between. Now you can try it with English words. For the game you need the ready-made Scrabble pack or just lots of tiles with letters. One person starts and places a word with the tiles. The other players now have to create a word with their letters, i.e. the first letter of the word must be one of the letters of the first word. You can create words horizontally or vertically, or extend existing words, e.g. make a “baker” out of a “bake”. The person who is the first to run out of stones wins.
This game forces you to think about new words. If another person creates a new word, you might even get to know words that were previously unknown to you. And by the way, you also train your pronunciation.
5. Taboo
The game Taboo is probably known all over the world. You can buy a ready-made Taboo game, but you can also create the cards yourself. Basically, it’s about explaining a word to your team without using the words that go with it. The team that guesses the most words at the end is the winner. Here, you will quickly learn how to paraphrase English words. This will be especially useful in future conversations.
Looking for fun ways to learn English? Join our Adult English Courses in Malta and Gozo.
Learning English at our schools is a unique experience unlike any other. Our classes are designed to be interactive and communicative, creating a real-world environment for you to practice your language skills. You’ll have the opportunity to learn practical language through engaging activities, teamwork, and projects. Additionally, you’ll be part of an international community, which will make your learning experience truly unique. Our classrooms are dynamic and lively, and you’ll also acquire valuable techniques to study independently. Email us at [email protected] to connect with a consultant.
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