Learn English Confidently in Small, Interactive Classes
Struggling with expressing yourself fluently in English?
English lessons per week
20 lessons / 15 hours per week
Lesson length
45 minutes
Course days
Monday - Friday
Course hours
09:15-10:45 /break/ 11:15-12:45
Minimum age
Minimum entry level
Students per class
Average 8, max. 12
Course level
Adult learners
Ideal for
Students who wish to improve in the day-to-day use of the language and speaking skills
20 Lessons per week, max 12 Students
Our General English standard course focuses on giving the learner balanced practice in both systems (grammar, vocabulary, phonology, discourse) and skills using general topics and authentic material. The course concentrates on all the four skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing with special emphasis on fluency. The aim of these English language courses is to improve the students’ skills in all the areas of the language.
Lessons are conducted using the communicative learning approach. Therefore, our English courses are interactive and combine the use of both traditional and digital learning tools. Our lessons incorporate a range of activities for different kinds of learners in a multinational classroom. They will help learners improve comprehension of grammar and expand vocabulary while also practicing using the language in practical, everyday situations.
This course is available in Malta and Gozo with a maximum of 12 students per class. Lessons are held in the mornings on weekdays. If you prefer smaller groups for your English language courses in Malta and Gozo, BELS offer mini-group courses with a maximum of 6 students per class.
Take The First Towards English Fluency
Take The First Towards English FluencyTake The First Towards English FluencyTake The First Towards English FluencyTake The First Towards English Fluency